Email marketing can generate many leads as long as it’s done correctly.
There are a myriad of ways to tackle an email marketing campaign from creating the right lists to seeking permission and adding subscribers. Today I’ll give tips on how to ensure your email itself is optimised for success.
No Spam
You first battle is to make sure you stay out of the spam folder. This is all in your control. Your emails can be relegated to the spam folder before the first has even been opened. This is not usually due to overzealous spam filters as there are ways around that, this is your recipient actively telling their server that they don’t want to hear from you. Once there you can claw your way back, which is fodder for another topic!
Add Value
Many businesses believe that email marketing is all about THEIR company, THEIR activity and THEIR news. Of course, there should be a smattering of this but the most popular emails are those that recognise the customer’s needs. Do your customers have children, is a holiday coming up? How about offers and tips for great local days out or ideas for entertaining? If you’re a financial adviser, you could include a link to an article that shows how to save money during the school holidays, or offering advice for the self-employed on income protection.
Be Grateful
If you’ve made it to someone’s inbox, you’ve been cordially invited in. It’s an honour and your potential customers need to feel gratitude from you as a result.
Research and Be Relevant
If email marketing is executed poorly it can actually lose you customers, which is why it’s important to ask questions when acquiring email addresses so you know exactly who you’re targeting. Think about what you can offer, consider what your target market would like to read and achieve and make your first campaign as bespoke as possible.
Add Copywriting Tricks
A good copywriter will be able to put together an email marketing letter with all the points above along with leading calls to action that bring visitors to your site. As well as making sure your email is read, they will make your customers feel valued, thanked, special and encourage them to learn more. The power of words cannot be underestimated. Don’t forget your call-to-action as this is essentially why you send the email.